360° Panoramas from various regions
Panoramas from various regions in Norway
Mortavika–Arsvågen is a ferry connection on Europavei 39 across the Boknafjorden between Bokn and Stavanger municipality. The connection is served by Fjord1 with the four gas ferries MF "Mastrafjord", MF "Stavangerfjord", MF "Boknafjord" and MF "Raunefjord". The Boknafjord tunnel is under construction and will replace the ferry connection.

Bore is a parish in Klepp municipality on Jæren in Rogaland. The place includes a narrow strip of land between Lake Orrevatnet and the sea, which has given rise to the name Bore. It also includes Borestranda and Bore church.

Halhjem is a village in Bjørnafjorden municipality in Vestland county. It is the site of an important ferry quay along the European route E39 highway which runs between the major cities of Bergen (to the north) and Stavanger (to the south). The ferry quay has two different ferry routes that stop here to cross the Bjørnafjorden. There is a ferry from Halhjem to Våge and a ferry (that is part of the E39 highway) from Halhjem to Sandvikvåg.

Hardangervidda (English: Hardanger Plateau) is a mountain plateau in central southern Norway, covering parts of Vestland, Telemark, and Buskerud counties. It is the largest plateau of its kind in Europe, with a cold year-round alpine climate, and one of Norway's largest glaciers, Hardangerjøkulen, is situated here. Much of the plateau is protected as part of Hardangervidda National Park. Hardangervidda is a popular tourist and leisure destination, and it is ideal for many outdoor activities.

Orrestranda on Orre in Klepp on Jæren is the second longest sandy beach in Norway, and is one of "Jærstrendene". The beach zone is made up of the sandy beach itself by the sea, the dunes and the back-dune landscape with a more varied plant life. In the dunes, the vegetation consists mainly of seagrass, which was planted to control the flow of sand.

Øvre Eidfjord is a village in Eidfjord municipality in Vestland county, Norway. The village is located at the southern end of the lake Eidfjordvatnet, about 7 kilometres south of the municipal centre of Eidfjord. Øvre Eidfjord sits along the Bjoreio River, at the entrance to the Måbødalen valley. There are about 200 residents of Øvre Eidfjord.

Sandvikvåg er en ferjehavn i Fitjar kommune i Sunnhordland. Havna er den sørlige delen av et av de mest trafikkerte ferjesamband i Norge. Fejekaien ble etablert i 1964, og har i dag to ferjelemmer. I 2006 ble både ferjekaien og oppstillingsplassen utvida i forbindelse med at nye gassdrevne og større ferjer ble tatt i bruk. I dag har kaien en kapasitet på 300 biler til Halhjem og 50 biler til Husavik.

Sandvikvåg er en ferjehavn i Fitjar kommune i Sunnhordland. Havna er den sørlige delen av et av de mest trafikkerte ferjesamband i Norge. Fejekaien ble etablert i 1964, og har i dag to ferjelemmer. I 2006 ble både ferjekaien og oppstillingsplassen utvida i forbindelse med at nye gassdrevne og større ferjer ble tatt i bruk. I dag har kaien en kapasitet på 300 biler til Halhjem og 50 biler til Husavik.

Nautøy or Nautøya is an unpopulated island in Stord municipality in Vestland county, Norway. It sits at the southern end of the Stokksund sound about 3.5 kilometres south of the village of Sagvåg. The island is connected to the nearby island of Spissøy by the Bømla Bridge and to the nearby island of Føyno via a small bridge. Country Road 542, part of the Triangle Link, runs across the island.